

We are currently open Monday through Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm.  


学生生活 exists to engage and empower our diverse and intersectional student population by fostering a community that values social justice, equity, and inclusion. We strive to support Latinx students, and students of every background, to achieve their current 以及未来的目标.


学生生活 is designed to meet interests beyond the classroom through co-curricular activities. These activities and services enhance the learning that occurs inside the classroom, as well as play an important role in student retention, academic success 认知发展.


Cody Rogers
Cody Rogers

Director of 
(509) 682-6868



(509) 682-6706

Webpage: 学生宿舍

Rob Villa

学生领导 &
(509) 682-6867

Webpage: 学生俱乐部

Gina Shaw

Gina Shaw

   (509) 682-6942


Webpage: 学生活动中心




& SRC助理经理
(509) 682-6464


Webpage: 学生活动中心

Edith Gomez

Edith Gomez

Campus Life & Diversity
Omak Campus
(509) 422-7814


Webpage: 奥马克皇冠8868会员登录


 Dayla Culp

Dayla Culp

at Omak

Webpage: 奥马克皇冠8868会员登录







  • 报名参加的课程 current quarter
  • Bring some form of picture ID to the Campus Life office
    •  驾照
    • Passport
    • 高中身份证
    • Something with both your picture and name on it
  • The Student ID card serves as a form of picture ID
  • You can use the card to get into campus events for free
    • The 学生参议院, as well as Athletics, have events and games throughout the year.
  • It is used in combination with the bus sticker to allow you to ride for free
  • It is mandatory to have if you are going to use the 学生娱乐中心 (SRC)
  • You may find various business around town offer a student discount!

The Student ID card is valid for as long as you are a student!

即使你少花一两毛...or a year off, once you return your ID card 还是有效的.

If you have already gotten a Student ID card and you need it replaced, you will need to pay for a replacement at the Cashier Department. 然后把收据拿到 Campus Life office and we can print a new one!

If  the name on your Student ID card has changed bring the card to the Campus Life office with a picture ID (picture ID must show current legal name).

Once we verify your enrollment and current name, we will reprint your SID card for free!


Bus Passes

The bus pass is given out by the Campus Life office in Van Tassell. 为了获得资格 for the bus pass, students must be enrolled in classes for the current quarter.

The bus pass is a quarterly sticker that is placed on your Student ID card (you must have your card with you in order to receive the sticker). 如果你还没有 Student ID card, we can provide one to you at the time that we give you the bus pass.


Bus pass stickers are given out beginning the week before the quarter begins, and the sticker is good 本季度 for which you receive it, as well as the break 季度之间.

Each quarter the color of the sticker changes, as well as the notation of "fall", “冬季”等. To update your bus pass sticker, come to the Campus Life office in Van Tassell. Once we verify your enrollment, we will provide a new sticker.


If the bus pass sticker gets damaged or comes off your Student ID card (often by going 通过洗衣机!),我们会提供新的贴纸. 把你的学生带来就行了 ID card.


Lost & Found

Lost and found is managed by the Campus Life office in Van Tassell.

Our office is on your right (if you come through the front doors), just before you 沿着走廊走. If you come through the side doors, head towards the Student Lounge, we are on the left as you get to the end of the hallway.

You can either call us at 509-682-6860, or you can come in and inquire about an item 你失去了.

We keep a database of all items that we receive, as well as those that are reported lost. We will look for your item in our database, and in our Lost & 发现内阁. If we locate it, we will pass that to you (or if you are on the phone, we will let 你知道它在我们的办公室里。. If we do not have your item, we will collect a little 您提供的资料包括:

  • 你的姓和名
  • The last location that you remember having it (if possible)
  • A description of your item - be thorough, tell us the color, material it's made of, any identifying features (such as stickers, scratches, etc.)
  • Contact information - this is so we can let you know if it comes in

If you locate your item, we would appreciate if you let us know so that we can remove 我们名单上的你.

If you find something on campus, and you don't know who it belongs to, we would appreciate it if you would  drop it off at the Campus Life office in Van Tassell.

We keep a database of items that are turned in so that if someone is looking for it, 我们可以让他们知道我们拿到了.

The only thing we would like to know from you, is where you found it. 有时这是 helpful in reuniting the item with the owner.